Interlude III

Best read while listening to: Interlude


She stood up slowly
for the soil beneath her skin had become
far too cold during the day and
far too hot at night for her to embrace.
She navigated her way
to a great hall of heroes and found the statues
of faceless men and women.
In a courtyard of stone was a cemetery of old
and she found the headstones
of nameless men and women.
She wanted to shout,
but her throat was dried from ash,
so she wanted to cry,
but her eyes had dried, alas.
Every time she’d blink she’d think on faded photos,
on the fingers that once ran through her hair,
and on life as it were before the interlude.
The cemetery formed a path in the fallen leaves
to a cliff at the edge of the sea.
She made her decision,
but it seemed as though gravity eluded her
as she floated on in silence in the absence of the world.

Previous Poem: Interlude II
Next Poem: Cavernous Deep

2 thoughts on “Interlude III

  1. I was read the three parts. It is beautiful. I never met song in parts. It is really special. And the words, the story and the combination with nature. I looking forward to the rest parts.

    Thank you for sharing (:

    Liked by 1 person

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