It was only Irita

This is still one of the strangest and most important things that has ever happened to me. In a dream that I had a woman very clearly whispered, "It was only Irita who bothered to cry" into my ear. The next day, I wrote it down. A few weeks later, I wrote the poem. I then converted the poem into a short song. I then incorporated it briefly into my second novel, "Arisen from Bygones". As of late, I have been delving ever deeper into the meaning behind the whisper.

Story Time: After 3 Long Years, I Completed My “Troika” Trilogy!

This post is a big longer and different than my usual posts. It is the full story of my creation process for my Troika Trilogy and how it came to be, which I have finally completed after 3 years of constant hard work.

Mother, Will A Day Ever Come?

This is an except from my upcoming novel "Forsaken of Silence", Troika: Book III, which mirrors a very similar section from the previous novel. They are the only two sections quite like this in the whole series, and for whatever reason I am very fond of them.